Interview with AlexArtDreams Instagram artist

Why do we create art? To beautify? Inform? Connect? Comment…Build an audience? Define ourselves? Define our place on the internet?

That’s exactly what web illustrator and artist, AlexArtDreams has done.

The irrepressible Alex is a mum with a big heart and a beating passion for art, family, people and mental illness.

Her colourful illustrations are bright and happy. Combining clean lines, simple forms, a repetition of motifs and application of pattern, her subjects range from idyllic gardens, florals, animals and females, patterns with quirky motifs, aphorisms to buoy up the blues, and everyday objects e.g., mugs reimagined in ways that take them beyond still life – they want to jump off the page at you.

Alex’s work resounds with vitality, she creates naïve art that sings.

It’s my pleasure to present her to you.

Colourful gouache on paper illustration of three womenholding their animals in a garden of happy flowers in cool tones of blies, pinks, purples and antique gold
Spirit Animals‘ by AlexArtDreams, 29.7 x42cm (11.69 x 16.53 inches) Gouache paint on 300gsm hot press paper, $200 AUD inc Free Shipping Worldwide

Hi Alex, what is your back story? When did you start taking your art seriously?

I have always been creative, when I was a young girl you would find me painting, drawing and crafting. The older I became the more I put my creative outlets aside in order to be a “responsible adult”. This was probably my biggest blunder in life as I lost a part of who I am for many years. It wasn’t until around 2015 when I was working long hours in a very stressful job that I started to return to my creative roots. I discovered my old sketchbooks and art supplies and began to create. The more I created the more I could feel my daily stress roll away. I created an Etsy store in the same year just for fun and was lucky to make a few sales too. 

It wasn’t until 2019 that I started to make a real go of making art and illustration a profession. I entered a piece, very personal and dear to my heart titled “Mother”, in the Bayside Arts Festival and was fortunate to win The People’s Choice Award. This was the catalyst that prompted me to continue to turn my art into a career.

Congratulations on your win! Can you describe your work?

I would say my work is extremely colourful and in your face.

Portrait with a head of flowers that Carman Miranda would envy in a bright mulitcoloured palette.
The Flower Lady, gouache on A3 paper 29.7 x 42 cm (11.69 x 16.53 inches) There is wonderful video on how Alex created her on AlexArtDreams Instagram account. $250 AUD inc Free Shipping Worldwide

Can you say which artists or movements you particularly like who may have influenced your style? What do you like about them?

There are many artists I admire and respect. As a young girl with dreams of being an artist I would say: Van Gogh, Picasso, Frida Kahlo and Georgia O’Keefe. As an adult though, I do not find that they influence me or my work as much as some well-known Instagram artists. I am more drawn to modern day illustrators and artists that bring a fresh vibe to art. In particular, I am very fond of Lisa Congdon and her beautiful palette and handwritten typography that conveys powerful messages. I am also inspired by Fotini Tikkou who brings a fresh and feminist vibe to some of her illustrations. I also adore French illustrator Camille De Cussac’s funky colour palette and the way she captures people and their faces.

Your art is iconic, yet you have two different pages on Instagram, can you tell us a little about them? Is there an ethos that you are creating for?

AlexArtDreams is my main art page where I show current works, projects and work for sale. It is a place where I create pieces for my own enjoyment as well as for others. 

AlexArtMemes is a page dedicated to bringing more light to mental health through art. I was highly encouraged to start it by my friend and I’m glad I did. It is a page where I draw in my sketchbook how I am feeling or how somebody can feel with poor mental health. I started this account as a way to help my own battles with mental health in hopes to bring more light to the subject which has previously been taboo. 

You seem quite integrated with the Instagram platform and social media, contending art challenges on Instagram and creating art to post on a daily basis. How do you find being an Instagram artist – how does it compare with creating works for the markets or Etsy?

I find being an Instagram artist exhausting! Instagram can be quite volatile for my mental health as well as for other artists that have previously confided in me. I have caught myself creating art solely for Instagram in hopes of gaining new followers or chasing down likes. Once I recognised I was doing this I put the brakes on myself and have since taken time away from Instagram to re-evaluate my why. 

As for participating in Instagram art challenges, I would highly recommend it to artists of all levels. Challenges are a great way to help you break through art block and it is fantastic for pushing your capabilities.

The work I create on Instagram eventually turns into stock for the markets and my Etsy store. In a way, Instagram helps influence what piece becomes available as a print due to the kind of feedback I receive from my audience.

I love having a platform like Etsy available to showcase my works for sale but I do find driving traffic there hard to do. Markets on the other hand are fun and exciting because you get to meet new people and I get to see people’s reactions to my work in real time – this will never get old.

A full figured mer-woman/goddess of the deep contemplates a spiral of water tumbling down from her hands onto a thatched mat of waves. She sits on a spiral shell. Small bubbles of sunshine descend down through waves making up the night sky above. Blue concentric circles with dots of yellow in their outer rings float around her in varying sizes, reminiscent of Aboriginal symbols of meeting places.
Water Goddess, Gouache on A5 paper 14.80x 21cm (5.83 x 8.27 inches), 2019, $70 inc Free Shipping Worldwide

You’re a multitasker- your output is prolific, yet you are a young mum and young wife – how do you strike up a balance?

Lots of coffee Haha! Honestly, there are a few small steps that help me succeed in work life balance.

At the beginning of each month I use a wall sized calendar to mark in importance dates, projects and goals. This way I know what to work on and don’t fluff around with the time I have. If I have a spare 20 minutes at hand then I just have to glance at my wall calendar to see where I can utilise that time. 

I keep a space dedicated entirely to my art. It is just a plain desk from IKEA but I have everything I need in arms reach. If I have to go digging around for something or it is out of sight, I won’t use it. So I keep my art supplies tidy, close and in sight. 

I work around my family a lot to get my art in. When my daughter naps I tackle work. When she goes down for sleep at night I usually work late in the night. My husband is extremely supportive of me- I am very lucky! If I have a deadline or big market coming up he will give me entire days child-free to get my affairs in order.

Where can we see and purchase your work?

Patreon is a platform where you can support your favourite artists/creators with a monthly pledge, in return you receive lots of cool things.

My main goal is to share my experience and knowledge as a self-taught illustrator and artist with you, I want to teach you everything I have learned and so much more!

Here are some of the topics I will be sharing with you:

  1. How to overcome imposter syndrome
  2. Relinquishing self-doubt
  3. Finding your style
  4. How to create art every day
  5. An in depth series on my own personal creative process
  6. Keeping a sketchbook
  7. Materials I use as well as new product reviews
  8. How to crush the 100 day project like a boss.

 Just to name a few!  There is plenty more to share, such as how I am investing in personal growth by completing some popular courses you may have seen online such as Victoria Johnson’s “Create Florals” course and Lisa Larsen’s portfolio workshops.

A street scene from an old European town with a cobbled road and double storey terraces with pitched roofs  and manicured trees. A Gouache palette on one side and a brush on the other.
Memory Lane, gouche on A5 14.80x 21cm (5.83 x 8.27 inches) , 225 gsm watercolour paper, $70 AUD inc free shipping worldwide

Do you have a favourite piece and why?

Ooooh this is a tough one. I love everything I create: they are all a part of me. If I had to choose one from my most recent work it would have to be my “Spirit Animals” painting from my 100 day project series. I love capturing animals in my work and adore painting women. With the two subject matters combined a happy paradise emerges. I didn’t have any of this prepared in my head, I went straight in with paint and no pre-sketch, and I love how it turned out. 

Wow! Impro with paint!

You can purchase Alex’s work and see more of her creations for sale in her Etsy shop:

You can find Alex at:


